The picture above is not really important....... the letter below is!!!***grin*
Let me explain:
This past
Monday when I was on my way to the Post Office my daughter Becca asked me to mail a letter for her. I looked at the address and it caught my attention... it was for the
white house...FOR THE PRESIDENT !
I asked my daughter what did she write and if I could read it first but she replied:
" Oh momma , don't worry ... my spelling was fine ... I typed it and there were no running on sentences.... I just want to share
some of my rights with the President"
Well, today ((( we))) found Becca's letter and I almost died laughing.... I just had to share it.
I hope someone at the
whitehouse will laugh too!!!*smiles*
Dear mr. president, FEB-6-20
My name is Rebecca Cabrera and Im 11 years old.This letter is to tell you how I think some things sould be. First of all,one day I was with my dad in floridia and I went to this hotel. For me and two of my brothers (pluse my dad) it cost over 200 dollers. just for one night,but thats not all that was just sleeping, the food was like 10 dollers for a egg with toast. Also you know doller tree the store,well I think it should have no taxes,it is called doller tree. So I hope that you can awnser me back.And make these changes.
Rebecca Cabrera