I made this enormous fairy house few years ago and I sold at ebay. The lady that bought from me was emailed me last year and told me that she couldn't keep the house any longer because of some damage that happened when she left the house outside. She was so gracious to send it back to me for repairs. I haven't had the time to repair yet and to set up because it is a large house and I need room to display but looking back at this made me smile. I have a little video that my children did with this faerie house , if I find it, I will add here tonight or tomorrow.
I hope you enjoy the tour and this magical house as much as I do!*grin*
This OOAK faerie house was made entirely from natural sources. The house consists of a thick wooden floor, large driftwood as a support for the second floor; the upstairs floor is a GIGANTIC REAL mushroom that has been properly dried and preserved. The roof is made of individual pine cone shingles. The front of the house was constructed over the same drift wood that supports the second floor and walls. The walls are a mix of meticulously braided twigs, snake skins, tree roots, dried petals, crushed glass, tiny logs, moss, lichens, dried cactus skeletons, and many others. For the door , used an antique jewelry box lid that has a metal design of roses and butterflies. And of course, a snail door knob. Two seashells hold mini lights that light the doorway.

The kitchen and it is probably my favorite. A loofah wall divides this room. There are a few shelves on the wall with sea shell tea pots, acorn bowls, and a sea shell picture. A wooden stove with a pipe is in the corner. And just like the bathroom there is a sea shell sink. A little broom rests in the corner. This room is also lighted the same way.