Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Etsy Treasury

This morning I received I found on my Etsy email a note from the seller *SweetwaterGifts * . She picked my tea set for her Treasury.
((Thank you SweetwaterGifts)))!!! *grin*



Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

YEAH! SHe bought your work? HURRAY!!! Oh, she is going to be so happy! I just moved my two bunnies to the bedroom where they look so fabulous next to Blanche Neige and Balzac....how are you dear one? Nita

Woolytales Miniatures said...

Oh No Nita.... she is just another seller that picked my item to display as a special item.
i will write later on ... I need to and I did not forget. I am busy in the garden today!

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